4-8 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring Individual WAN Connections
The Answer profile
Numeric parameters
The following Answer > PPP Options parameters specify bandwidth, line usage, and the
minimum and maximum number of channels in a multilink connection:
BACP Enable/disable BACP. If BACP is enabled, a connection encapsulated
in MP uses BACP to manage dynamic bandwidth on demand. Both
sides of the connection must support BACP. (BACP uses the same
criteria as MP+ connection for managing bandwidth dynamically.)
Parameter Specifies
Parameter Specifies
Dyn Alg An algorithm for calculating average line utilization (ALU) over a
certain number of seconds (Sec History). For more information about
Dyn Alg, see Dynamic algorithm for calculating bandwidth
requirements on page 4-48.
Sec History A number of seconds to use as the basis for calculating average line
utilization (ALU). The ALU is used in calculating when to add or
subtract bandwidth from a multichannel call that supports dynamic
bandwidth management. For more information about Sec History, see
Time period for calculating average line utilization on page4-48.
Add Pers Number of seconds that average line utilization (ALU) must persist
beyond the target utilization threshold before the MAX unit adds
bandwidth from available channels. When adding bandwidth, the unit
adds the number of channels specified in the Inc Ch Count parameter.
Sub Pers Number of seconds for which the ALU (average link utilization) must
persist below the Target Util threshold before the unit subtracts
Min Ch Count Minimum number of channels that can be established for a multilink
call. If this number of channels is not available, the multilink session is
not established. For optimum performance, both sides of the multilink
connection should set this parameter to the same value.
Max Ch Count Maximum number of channels that can be allo cated to a multilink
connection. For optimum performance, both sides of the connection
should specify the same maximum channel count.
Target Util Percentage of line utilization to use as a threshold for determining
when to add or subtract bandwidth. For example, if the value is 70%,
the device adds bandwidth when it exceeds a 70 percent utilization rate
and subtracts bandwidth when it falls below that number.
Idle Pct Percentage of bandw idth utilization below which the MAX unit clears
an MP+ call. Bandwidth utilization must fall below this percentage on
both sides of the connection before the unit clears the call.