Configuration Concepts and Profiles
Overview of MAX configuration
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 2-3
Figure 2-2. Using the MAX a s a telecommuting hub
In this sample network, a telecommuter in a home office uses a Pipeline 25 and Frame Relay to
log in to the corporate LAN. Users on a remote office LAN access the backbone through a
Pipeline 400 with a Switched-56 connection. A customer can access selected corporate
network resources by means of a Pipeline 50 with an ISDN BRI connection. A mobile user
with an analog modem can dial in to the backbone, provided that the MAX has a digital
modem card installed.
Notice that each user can access the MAX through a different type of line. While one user
might access the MAX by using the switched services on an ISDN BRI or Switched-56 line,
another might require a nailed 56K Frame Relay circuit.
Overview of MAX configuration
Before you configure the MAX, you should create a network diagram. Configuration tasks
generally consist of:
Configuring the lines, channels, and ports, and how calls are routed between them
Configuring Wide Area Network (WAN) connections and security
Configuring the MAX as a Frame Relay or X.25 concentrator
Configuring routing and bridging across the WAN
Configuring Internet services, such as multicast, OSPF, and Virtual Private Networks
Traveling user
Pipeline 25
Customer site
Remote office
Pipeline 400
Pipeline 50
Frame Relay line
Analog line
Switched 56