5-6 Preliminary January 4, 2001 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring Frame Relay
Defining Frame Relay link operations
Link parameters
The next two parameters in Ethernet > Frame Relay > Frame Relay profile define the link
status of the FR datalink and the link protocol to use between the MAX and the FR switch:
Timers and event count parameters
The functions of Frame Relay timers and event counts include the following parameters in
Ethernet > Frame Relay > Frame Relay profile:
Call-by-Call A signaling value the PRI service uses when placing a call using that
Transit # A dialing prefix for use in the transit network IE for PRI calling when
going through an Interexchange Carrier (IEC). The default (null)
causes the MAX to use any available IEC for long-distance calls.
Parameter Specifies
Link Status Dlci The DLCI to use for link status on the Frame Relay datalink. Specify
DLCI0 (the default) or DLCI1023.
Link Mgmt Link management protocol to use between the MAX and the Frame
Relay switch. The Frame Relay administrator or service provider can
tell you which value to use.
Parameter Specifies
N391 Interval at which the MAX reques ts a Fu ll Status Report (from 1 to
255 seconds). Is N/A if FR Type is DCE.
DTE N392 Number of errors, during DTE N393 monitored events, that cause the
user side to declare the network-side procedures inactive. The value
should be less than that of DTE N393 (from 1 to 10). DTE N.392 is N/
A when FR Type is DCE.
DTE N393 Number of DTE monitored events per testing cycle (from 1 to 10). It is
N/A when FR Type is DCE.
DCE N392 Number of errors, during DCE N393 monitored ev ents, that caus es th e
network side to declare the user-side procedures inactive. The value
should be less than that of DCE N393 (from 1 to 10). DCE N392 is N/
A when FR Type is DTE.
DCE N393 DCE monitored event count (from 1 to 10). It is N/A when FR Type is
T391 Link Integrity Verification polling timer (from 5 to 30 seconds). The
value should be less than that of T392. T391 is N/A when FR Type is