Configuring WAN Access
Configuring IDSL connections
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 3-45
channel for calls to and from the specified slot or port. For details, see Configuring inbound
calls on page 3-59 and Configuring outbound calls on page3-69.
Note: You cannot control whether an incoming call rings on the first or second B channel, so
set the BN Slot parameters to identical values.
With a nailed channel, BN Prt/Grp is a Group number. To make use of this nailed connection,
the Group number is referenced in a Connection or call profile. (For the definition of call
profile, see Assigning nailed channels to groups on page 3-12.)
Example of IDSL configuration
With the following configuration, when the MAX unit receives a switched call on telephone
number 555-1212 (from a device connected to an ISDN device or a modem), the unit routes
the call to the device connected to line 1 of the IDSL card:
1Open a BRI/LT > Line Config profile and assign a name to it. For example:
Line Config
2Open the Line 1 subprofile, enable the line, and assign an answer number.
Line 1...
Dial Plan=Trunk Grp
Ans 1#=1212
BRI/LT diagnostics
A MAX units software provides the following BRI/LT diagnostics:
Line Diag
Line N...
EOC Address=0
Line LoopBack
Corrupt CRC
UnCorrupt CRC
Rq Corrupt CRC
UnRq Corrupt CRC
Sealing Current
For detailed information about each parameter, see the MAX Reference.
Configuring IDSL voice-call support
The IDSL card supports incoming and outgoing voice calls. To support outgoing voice calls,
the connected Terminal Equipment (TE) must send digits to the MAX unit by means of Q.931
en-bloc dialing, that is, it sends all dialed digits to the unit in one block, the ISDN Call Setup
message, rather than one digit at a time.