Configuring WAN Access
Configuring T1 lines
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 3-17
Send Disc=0
Overlap Receiving=Yes
Enabling a robbed-bit PBX with PRI access lines (PRI-to-T1 conversion)
If your WAN uses ISDN PRI signaling on its T1 lines , a MAX unit can convert the sign aling to
standard T1 for use with a PBX. With this configuration, the MAX emulates a WAN switch,
such as a Lucent 5ESS, connected to the PBX.
Note: In most cases, you cannot use this feature in combination with digital modems. Also,
the PBX must use two-state inband with DTMF signaling and must support Senderized (en
bloc) digital transmission, because the MAX unit has a preset time limit on received dialing
digits. In addition, the called number should be available from the switch. That is, you need
Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) or a called number information element.
On a MAX 6000 unit, T1 PBX must conn ect to line 2 of the units second slot. That is, you
must configure line 2 in a profile in the 20-000 Net/T1 > Line Config menu. To configure the
Line Config profile that will support the PBX, set the 2nd Line parameter to Trunk. Then, open
the subprofile for the second line connected to the PBX and set the following parameters:
Parameter Specifies
Sig Mode The signaling mode. Select PBX T1.
Rob Ctrl The robbed-bit call-control mechanism.
T1-Pri:PRI # Type Type of calls placed by the PBX. Ask your PRI provider about
which settings are available to you.
T1-PRI:NumPlanID NumberPlanID, needed by the carriers switch to properly
interpret a dialed number. Ask your PRI provider about which
settings are available to you.
PBX Type The type of service the PBX expects on its T1 line. In most
installations the PBX expects voice-service calls with call
progress tones. The Data setting does not supply call progress
tones or information messages to the user.
Ans Service The type(s) of call(s) that should be converted from PRI to
robbed-bit T1 signaling. Most installations select Voice. With this
setting, the unit converts voice-service calls arriving on the PRI
line to T1 voice calls for the PBX. Data-service calls undergo
normal incoming-call routing. They are not converted and sent to
the PBX.
Note that with Ans Service set to Voice, you cannot configure the
line for both PBX T1 support and digital modem operation,
because the voice-service modem calls are diverted to the PBX
and never reach the digital modems .
Ans # A telephone number to be used for routing incoming calls from
the first T1 line to the second T1 line. Most installations leave this
setting blank. If specified, it can be an add-on number.
Delete Digits and Add
Number Digits to be deleted and added, respectively, to convert a number
dialed through the PBX to ISDN PRI format.