Index-10 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
IPX Route profiles, 12-3
static routes, 12-3
IPX routes
configuring, 12-6
IPX routing, 2-6
connections, configuring, 12-8
enabling, 12-5
NetWare clients, 12-4
network for dial-in clients, defin ing, 12-5
requirement of authentication, 12-2
Route IPX parameter, 4-18
IPX routing global parameters
IPX Frame, 12-5
IPX Pool #, 12-5
IPX Routing, 12-5
IPX SAP (Service Advertising Protocol), 12-2
filters, 12-3, 12-4
SAP packets, broadcast, 12-2
tables, 12-2
IPX SAP broadcasts
sending and receiving, 12-10
IPX SAP Filter parameter, 12-8
IPX SAP filters, 12-22
input, 12-23
output, 12-23
IPX SAP parameter, 12-9
IPX server bridge (local servers), 14-15
IPX static route profiles
configuring, 12-21
IPX static routes
configuring, 12-19
IPX static routes, example, 12-22
IPX watchdog spoofing, 12-11, 14-14
IPXCP, 12-1
IPXWAN, 12-1
BRI network cards
configuring, 3-34
call information (E1), 3-28
D-channel X.25 support, configuring, 6-30
PRI service, configuring, 3-13
signaling, 3-26
subaddressing parameters, 3-59
ISDN Digital Subscriber Line (IDSL)
diagnostics, 3-47
voice call support, configuring, 3-45
KeyID parameter, 8-11
L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 11-1
L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) tunnels
authentication, 11-33
client authentication, 11-33
configuring, 11-31
creating, 11-32
flow control, 11-3 4
for dial-in clients, configuring, 11-31
LAC and LNS mode, 11-33
MAX, functioning as a LAC, 11-36
L2TP Access Concentrator. See LAC
L2TP Auth Enabled parameter, 11-36
L2TP Mode parameter, 11-36
L2TP Network Server. See LNS
L2TP RX Window parameter, 11-36
LAC (L2TP Access Concentrator), 11-31
MAX functioning as a, 11-3 6
mode, 11-33
LAN (Local Area Network) interface, 9-7
configurations for MAX stacks, 4-60
primary IP address, 9-7
secondary IP address, 9-7
LAN Adrs parameter, 5-19, 5-22, 6-10
LAN OSPF interfaces
designated router priority, 8-10
LAN parameter, 9-23
LAP (Link Access Procedure), 6-3
LAPB (Link Access Procedure, Balanced), 6-3
LAPB k parameter, 6-4
LAPB N2 parameter, 6-4
LAPB T1 parameter, 6-4
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol. See L2TP
LCN parameter, 6-8
LCP (Link Control Protocol), 4-7, 4-64
learning bridge, 14-4
Length parameter, 15-7
Line N Tunnel Type parameter, 11-36
line utilization
RADIUS attributes, 4-53
link management, 5-2, 5-4
UNI interface, 5-2
Link Mgmt parameter, 5-6
Link Status Dlci parameter, 5-6
Link-State Advertisements (LSAs), 8-6
link-state routing algorithm, 8-7
List Attempt parameter, 9-14
List Size parameter, 9-14
Listen command, 6-20