Defining Static Filters
Filter overview
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 15-5
6If the Dst Socket Cmp parameter is not set to None, compare the Dst Socket # to the
destination socket number of the packet. If they do not match as specified by the Dst
Socket Cmp parameter, the comparison fails.
If an IPX filter is applied as a call filter and a comparison succeeds, the forwarding action is
either to reset the idle timer or not, depending on how the filter is defined. If an IPX filter is
applied as a data filter, the forwarding action is either to forward the packet or drop it.
Specifying a filters direction
A local Filter profile can define up to 12 input-filter specifications and 12 output-filter
specifications. Following are the relevant parameters, shown with their default settings:
Filter profile
Input Filters...
In Filter (1-12)
Output Filters...
Out Filter (1-12)
In a RADIUS profile, each filter is specified separately by using the Ascend-Data Filter and
Ascend-Call Filter attributes. As is always the case with filters, the order in which they are
applied within the user profile is significant.
In a RADIUS filter definition, you specify the direction in which to monitor the data stream as
in or out. This specification provides the same function as the Input Filters and Output
Filters parameters in a local profile. The following example shows an input-filter definition in
Parameter Specifies
Name Name of a Filter profile. For details, see Example of applying a
filter to a LAN interface on page 15-29.
Input Filters (112) Each filter can contain up to 12 input-filter specifications, which
are defined individually and applied in order (112) to the inbound
packet stream. The order in which the input filters are defined is
Output Filters (112) Each filter can contain up to 12 output-filter specifications, which
are defined individually and a p plied in order (112) to the
outbound packet stream. The order in which the output filters are
defined is significant.
Valid Enable/disable the filter specification. With a setting of No (the
default), the specification is skipped when filtering the data
stream. Set this parameter Yes for each defined f i lter yo u intend to