Configuring Individual WAN Connections
The Answer profile
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 4-11
T3POS Options
T3POS is a character-oriented, frame-formatted protocol designed for Point-of-Service (POS)
transactions through an X.25-based packet-switched network. T3POS enables you to send data
over the ISDN D channel while continuing to send traffic over both B channels. The T3POS
protocol involves three parties: the T3POS DTE, the T3POS PAD, and the T3POS Host.
Following are the Answer > T3POS Options parameters:

Timer Options

The following parameters in Answer > T3POS Options subprofile define timing limits in the
communication between the DTE and the PAD:
CUG Index Closed user group (CUG) index/selection facility to use in the next call
request. The CUG selection/index facility is used to indicate to the
called switch the CUG selected for a virtual call. (A CUG is a calling
group to which access is restricted. A user can be a member of more
than one CUG. In general, members of a specific CUG can
communicate among themselves, but not with users outside the group.
In some cases, however, specific CUG members can originate calls to
destinations outside the group, or receive calls from outside the
NUI Set of Network User Identification (NUI) related facilities to use in the
next call request. NUI provides information to the network for billing,
security, and network management, and to invoke subscribed facilities.
Parameter Specifies
Parameter Description
X.25 Prof Name of an X.25 profile to use for this connection.
Host Init. Mode For host-initiated calls, this parameter specifies the default data
transfer mode. Note that the host can override this setting with a
control frame.
DTE Init. Mode For DTE-initiated calls, this parameter specifies the default data
transfer mode. Note that the DTE can override this setting with a
opening frame.
ENQ Handling Whether or not the PAD should expect to receive an ENQ from the
host when an X.25 virtual call is established. ENQ indicates that the
host is ready to receive data. ENQ is a control character that signifies a
request for identification or status on an X.25/T3POS connection.
Max Block Size Maximum length of a transmission (including the length of the
opening frame) in bytes that the PAD must be able to accept and
process from the DTE or host.
Parameter Specifies
T3POS T1 Maximum amount of time permitted between characters sent from the
DTE to the PAD. Also called the Char-to-Char timer.