Configuring Individual WAN Connections
The Answer profile
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 4-13


The last several parameters in th e Answer > T3POS Options subprof ile further help to define
the incoming calls that use T3POS encapsulation:
Session Options
In the Answer > Session Options subprofile, the RIP parameter specifies whether the MAX
unit sends and/or receives RIP update packets on the interface.
The Session Options subprofile also includes filter-related parameters, timing parameters, and
a few miscellaneous parameters.
Parameter Specifies
Data Format Data format and parity checking/generation behavior of the PAD when
it validates opening frames and performs Local mode data transfer.
Link Access Type Type of DTE connectionpermanent, leased-line, or dial-up.
Retry Limit Num b er of times in a row, per connection, that the PAD allows the
DTE to send a frame or frame acknowledgment in error before it
disconnects the call. For a dial-up connection, the Retry Limit
specifies how many times the PAD allows the DTE to try to establish a
call that fails because the X.25 virtual call to the host could not be
established. When the DTE exceeds the Retry Limit, the PAD
disconnects the call.
Listen X.121 Addr Listen pattern for host-initiated calls.
Reverse Charge Whether or not the call packet should include a reverse charge request
facility parameter.
RPOA Set of Recognized Private Operating Agency (RPOA) user facilities to
use in the next call request. The RPOA facilities provide the data
network identification code for the requested initial RPOA transit
network in the form of four decimal digits.
CUG Index Closed user group (CUG) index/selection facility to use in the next call
request. The CUG selection/index facility is used to indicate to the
called switch the CUG selected for a virtual call. (A CUG is a calling
group to which access is restricted. A user can be a member of more
than one CUG. In general, members of a specific CUG can
communicate among themselves, but not with users outside the group.
In some cases, however, specific CUG members can originate calls to
destinations outside the group, or receive calls from outside the
NUI Set of Network User Identification (NUI) related facilities to use in the
next call request. NUI provides information to the network for billing,
security, and network management, and to invoke subscribed facilities.