9-48 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring IP Routing
Configuring WAN interfaces
Settings in a RADIUS profile
Following are the relevant attribute-value pairs in RADIUS:
Attribute Specifies
Ascend-IP-TOS (88) Type of Service (TOS) of the data stream. You can specify one of the
following values:
Ascend-IP-TOS IP-TOS-Normal (0)Normal service
Ascend-IP-TOS IP-TOS-Disabled (1)Disables TOS
Ascend-IP-TOS IP-TOS-Cost (2)Minimize monetary cost
Ascend-IP-TOS IP-TOS-Reliability (4)Maximize reliability
Ascend-IP-TOS IP-TOS-Throughput (8)Maximize throughput
Ascend-IP-TOS IP-TOS-Latency (16)Minimize delay
Note: The value of this attribute sets the four bits following the three
most significant bits of the TOS byte. The four bits can be used to
choose a link according to the type of service.
Precedence (89) Priority level of the data stream. The three most significant bits of the
TOS byte are priority bits used to set precedence for priority queuing.
When you enable TOS, you can set the three most significant bits to
one of the following values (most significant bit first):
IP-TOS-Precedence-Pri-Normal (0)Normal priority
IP-TOS-Precedence-Pri-One (32)Priority level 1
IP-TOS-Precedence-Pri-Two (64)Priority level 2
IP-TOS-Precedence-Pri-Three (96)Priority level 3
IP-TOS-Precedence-Pri-Four (128)Priority level 4
IP-TOS-Precedence-Pri-Five (160)Priority level 5
IP-TOS-Precedence-Pri-Six (192)Priority level 6
IP-TOS-Precedence-Pri-Seven (224)Priority level 7 (the
highest priority)
Apply-To (90) Direction in which the MAX supports TOS. If you set
Ascend-IP-TOS-Apply-To to IP-TOS-Apply-To-Incoming (1024),
which is the default, the MAX sets bits in packets received on the
interface. If you set the attribute to IP-TOS-Apply-To-Outgoing
(2048), the MAX sets bits in outbound packets. If you set the attribute
to IP-TOS-Apply-To-Both (3072), the MAX sets bits in both incoming
and outgoing packets.
Ascend-Filter (91) A string-format filter, which can include an IP TOS filter specification.
Ascend-Filter will replace binary-based filters.