Configuring X.25
Customizing script support for X.25 PAD
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 6-25
command-line modified profile (with the storeprof command) is no longer available. Since the
X.3 profile is stored in RADIUS, there is no method to write the new profile back to RADIUS.
Customizing script support for X.25 PAD
The MAX X.25 PAD provides additional flexibility to work with a variety of devices that have
their own expectations of banner messages, PAD prompts, PAD commands, and PAD signals.
You can configure the banner messages, PAD prompts, and PAD commands to meet these
Also referred to as a Triple-X PAD, the MAX X.25 PAD supports the X.3, X.28, and X.29

Parameters and commands

Five parameters and three commands enable you to configure the MAX X.25 PAD to meet the
expectations of devices to which it might connect.
The five parameters appear in the Ethernet > Connections > Connection profile > Encaps
Options submenu for an X.25/PAD connection. (Note that you must s et Encaps to X.25/PAD in
the Connection profile to access the X.25/PAD parameters in Encaps Options.) The parameters
as described on page 6-12 are:
PAD ban ne r m sg
PAD prompt
NUI prompt
NUI PW prompt
PAD Alias #n (where n=13)
One terminal server command:
Two X.25 PAD commands:

X28 terminalserver command

X28 which appears in the list of terminal-server commands, accesses the PAD. It is not case
sensitive. To access the PAD, enter the X28 command at the terminal-server prompt:
% X28
Alternatively, you can enter the PAD command, which is identical to the X.28 command.

X.25 PAD commands

The two X.25 PAD commands are Storeprof and Call.