Configuring X.25
Configuring the logical link to an X.25 network
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 6-3
Dialing, billing and signaling parameters
The next set of parameters in Ethe rnet > X.25 > X.25 profile includes defining the types of
outbound calls the MAX makes, the number used to dial out this connection, telephone billing
number, the signaling value the PRI uses when placing a call and a dialing prefix for PRI
LAPB parameters
Link Access Procedure (LAP) is a protocol containing a subset of High-Level Data Link
Protocol (HDLC) features. In order to maintain compatibility with HDLC, LAP was changed
to create Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) which is a protocol for B channels that use
packet-switching mode.
Call Type Type of connection, such as switched, or nailed. You can set the Call
Type parameter to specify the type of connection between the local and
remote codecs. (A codecCOder/DECoder is a device that encodes
analog data into a digital signal for transmission over a digital medium.
Codecs are often used for videoconferencing.)
Nailed Grp The group number that supports the serial WAN connection. When you
configure a nailed connection, you must assign a group number to each
nailed channel. Nailed channels can share group numbers.
Data Svc The type of data service the link uses, such as 56K, 56KR, or 64K. The
Data Svc parameter affects how much bandwidth is available for a
particular session, and how channels can be allocated to the call. You
can set this parameter to specify the type of data service the link uses.
Parameter Specifies
PRI # Type Outbound calls m ade b y the MAX on PRI lines so that the switch can
properly interpret the phone number dialed. Ask your PRI provider for
details on when to use each of the following settings. This parameter
specifies the TypeOfNumber field in the called partys information
Dial # Number used to dial out this connection. It can contain up to 24
characters, which may include a dialing prefix that directs the
connection to use a trunk group or dial plan; for example:
Bill # A telephone number to be used for billing purposes. If a number is
specified, it is used either as a billing suffix or the calling party number.
For robbed-bit lines, the MAX uses the billing-number as a suffix that
is appended to each phone number it dials for the call.
Call-by-Call A signaling value the PRI service uses when placing a call using that
Transit # A dialing prefix for use in the transit network IE for PRI calling when
going through an Interexchange Carrier (IEC). The default (null)
causes the MAX to use any available IEC for long-distance calls.