12-10 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring IPX Routing
Configuring IPX routing connections
For detailed information about each parameter, see the MAX Reference.
Settings in RADIUS profiles
RADIUS user profiles use the following attribute-value pairs to configure IPX routing:
Peer dial-in for routing to NetWare clients
Dial-in NetWare clients do not have IPX network addresses. To establish an IPX routing
connection to the local network, such a client must dial in with PPP software and the
Connection profile must specify Peer=Dialin. In addition, the MAX must have a virtual IPX
network defined for assignment to these clients (as described in IPX P ool # on page 12-5).
Peer=Dialin causes the MAX unit to assign the virtual IPX network number to the dial-in
client during PPP negotiation. If the client does not provide its own unique node number, the
MAX unit also assigns a unique node number to the client. The unit does not send RIP and
SAP advertisements across the connection, and it ignores RIP and SAP advertisements
received from the far end. However, it does respond to RIP and SAP queries received from
dial-in clients. (For an example, see Configuring a dial-in client connection on page 12-12.)
Controlling RIP and SAP transmissions across the WAN connection
You can set IPX RIP to Both (the default) indicating that RIP broadcasts will be exchanged in
both directions. You can also disable the exchange of R IP broadcasts across a WAN connection
or specify that the MAX only send or only receive RIP broadcasts on the connection.
Setting IPX SAP to Both (the default) specifies that SAP broadcasts will be exchanged in both
directions. If you enable SAP to both send and receive broadcasts on the WAN interface, the
MAX broadcasts its entire SAP table to the remote network and listens for SAP table updates
from that network. Eventually, both networks have a full table of all services on the WAN. To
control which services are advertised and where, you can disable the exchange of SAP
Netware t/o The number of minutes the MAX enables clients to remain logged in
after losing a connection.
SAP HS Proxy Whether or not the MAX performs SAP Home Server Proxy.
SAP HS Proxy Net #N An IPX network to which SAP broadcasts should be directed.
Attribute Value
Ascend-Route-IPX (229) Enables/disables IPX routing on the interface. Valid values are
Route-IPX-No (0) and Route-IPX-Yes (1). Route-IPX-No is the
(216) Type of far-end device (dial-in NetWare client or IPX router).
Valid values are IPX-Peer-Router (0) and IPX-Peer-Dialin (1).
(23) Four-byte hexadecimal IPX network number for the link to the
client. This address is used in Access-Accept packets.
Ascend-IPX-Alias (224) A second IPX network number, to be used only when connecting
to non-Ascend routers that use numbered interfaces.