Defining Static Filters
Defining Type of Service filters
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 15-19
Src Port # A port number to be compared with the source port of a packet.
TCP and UDP port numbers are typically assigned to services. For
more details, see Filtering by port numbers on page 15-14.
Dst Port Cmp Type of comparison to perform when comparing destination port
numbers. With a setting of None (the default), no comparison is
made. You can specify that the filter matches the packet if the
packets destination port number is Less (less than), Eql (equal to),
Gtr (greater than), or Neq (not equal to) the Dest Port # value.
Dest Port # A port number to be compared with the destination port of a
packet. TCP and UDP port numbers are typically assigned to
services. For more details, see Filtering by port numbers on
page 15-14.
Precedence Priority level of the data stream. The three most significant bits of
the TOS byte are priority bits used to set precedence for priority
queuing. When TOS is enabled and the packet matches the filter,
the bits can be set to one of the following values (most significant
bit first):
000Normal priority
001Priority level 1
010Priority level 2
011Priority level 3
100Priority level 4
101Priority level 5
110Priority level 6
111Priority level 7 (the highest priority)
Type of Service Type of Service of the data stream. The value of this attribute sets
the four bits following the three most significant bits of TOS byte.
The next four bits of the TOS byte are used to choose a link
according to the type of service. When TOS is enabled and the
packet matches the filter, one of the following values can be set in
the packet:
NormalNormal service
CostMinimize monetary cost
ReliabilityMaximize reliability
ThroughputMaximize throughput
LatencyMinimize delay.
Parameter Specifies