Configuring Individual WAN Connections
The Connection profile
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 4-21
MRU, LQM and Compression parameters
The following parameters in Ethernet > Connections > Connection profile > Encaps Options
define the number of bytes the MAX unit can receive in a single frame, Link Quality
Monitoring (LQM) values and link compression settings for packets and for headers:
Base Ch Count Number of channels to use to set up a session initially. If the session
uses MP, Base Ch Count specifies the total number of channels to be
used for the call. For an AIM, BONDING, or multichannel PPP call,
the channel count may be augmented.
Min Ch Count Minimum number of channels that can be established for a multilink
call. If this number of channels is not available, the multilink session is
not established. For optimum performance, both sides of the multilink
connection should set this parameter to the same value.
Max Ch Count Maximum number of channels that can be allo cated to a multilink
connection. For optimum performance, both sides of the connection
should specify the same maximum channel count.
Inc Ch Count Number of channels the unit adds when bandwidth changes either
manually or automatically during a call.
Dec Ch Count Number of channels the unit removes when bandwidth changes either
manually or automatically during a call. You cannot clear a call by
decrementing channels.
Parameter Specifies
Parameter Specifies
MRU Maximum number of bytes the unit can receive in a single frame.
Usually the default is the right setting, unless the far end requires a
lower number.
LQM Whether or not the unit requests LQM when answering a PPP call.
LQM counts the number of packets sent across the link and
periodically asks the remote end how many packets it has received.
Discrepancies are evidence of packet loss and indicate link-quality
LQM Min Minimum duration between link-quality reports for PPP connections,
measured in 10ths of a second.
LQM Max Maximum duration between link-quality reports for PPP connections,
measured in 10ths of a second.
Link Comp Link-compression method for a PPP, MP, and MP + calls. Both sides of
the connection must set the same type of link compression or it is not
VJ Comp Whether or not Van Jacobson IP header compression should be
negotiated on incoming calls using encapsulation protocols that
support this feature. VJ Comp applies only to packets in TCP
applications, such as Telnet. Turning on header compression is most
effective in reducing overhead when the data portion of the packet is