9-58 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring IP Routing
Configuring IP routes
Settings in a RADIUS route profiles
A route profile is a pseudo-user profile in which the first line has this format:
route-name-N Password = "ascend", Service-Type = Outbound-User
The name argument is the MAX system name (specified by the Name parameter in the System
profile), and N is a number in a sequential series, starting with 1. Make sure there are no
missing numbers in the series specified by N. If there is a gap in the sequence of numbers, the
MAX stops retrieving the profiles when it encounters the gap in sequence.
To specify routes that may be dialed out by more than one system, eliminate the name
argument. In that case, the first word of the pseudo-user profile is route-N.
Each pseudo-user profile specifies one or more routes with the Framed-Route (22) attribute.
The RADIUS protocol limits the number of Framed-Route definitions in a single route profile.
The limit varies with the exact contents of the routes. However, 25 Framed-Route definitions
per profile is the recommended maximum.
The value of the Framed-Route attribute uses the following syntax:
dest-addr gateway-addr metric [private] [profile][preference][VRouter]
Route settings in a RADIUS user profile
You can also include the Framed-Route (22) attribute in a RADIUS user profile to define a
static route. See Settings in a RADIUS route profiles on page 9-58 for detai l s a bout
Framed-Route usage.
In a user profile, you can specify the zero address as the gateway-address. In this context, the address is a wildcard entry the MAX replaces with the callers IP address.When
RADIUS authenticates the caller and sends the MAX an Access-Accept message with a value
of for the router address, the MAX updates its routing tables with the Framed-Route
value, but substitutes the callers IP address for the router. This setting is useful when the MAX
assigns an IP address from an address pool and RADIUS cannot know the IP address of the
Syntax element Specifies
dest-addr Destination IP address, which can include a subnet specification.
The default value is, which represents a default route.
gateway-addr IP address of the next-hop router to reach the specified destination.
metric RIP metric for the specified route (a number between 1 to 15,
default 8). If preference values are equal, the higher the metric, the
less likely that the MAX will use the route.
private Enables/disables advertisement of the route when the router sends
RIP or OSPF updates. If set to Yes, the route is excluded from
update packets. Set to Y to make the route private.
profile Name of the dialout user profile for the route. The default value is
preference Preference value of the route.
VRouter Virtual router option.