Configuring Individual WAN Connections
Configuring POTS capability on the MAX 6000 and MAX 300 0
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 4-113
Phone Number=^5551212$
Dst Slot=3
Dst Port=1
Call Routes
Call Routes profile 2
Phone Number=^5551212$
Dst Slot=3
Dst Port=2
If Call Distrib Type were set to Fair Share, in this example the MAX would route 5551212
calls to port 1 or port 2, whichever had been idle the longest. If both ports are busy, the far end
receives a busy signal.
Automatic wildcard rollover
The MAX routes calls from one MAXPOTS port to another if one is busy. In the following
example, with System > Sys Config > Call Distrib Type set to First Avail, the MAX routes
5551212 calls to the lowest-numbered slot first (in order): 1, 2 , ...8. If all MAXPOTS ports are
busy, the far end receives a busy signal.
Sys Config
Call Distrib Type=First Avail
Analog FXS
FXS Config
FXS Config profile 1
Line 1
Line 8
Call Routes
Call Routes profile 1
Phone Number=^5551212$
Dst Slot=3
Dst Port=0
If System > Sys Config > Call Distrib Type were set to Fair Share, the MAX would route
5551212 calls to the port that has been idle the longest in slot 3. If that port were busy, the
MAX would try to route the call to the next-longest-idle port and so on. If all MAXPOTS ports
were busy, the far end would receive a busy signal.