Configuring X.25
Setting up X.25 PAD sessions
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 6-19
LCL sets the number of columns to which tabs are expanded locally (num1). If the
EXP keyword disables local tab expansion, LCL num1 specifies the number of
columns to which the asynchronous device expands tabs sent to it. You can specify a
number from 0 to 16. Zero specifies that no expansion takes place.
REM sets the number of columns to which tabs are expanded remotely (num2), that
is, on input from the terminal to the network. You can specify a number from 0 to 16.
Zero specifies that no expansion takes place.
EXP enables (1) or disables (0) tab expansion locally. If you specify 1 after this
keyword, the MAX expands tabs according to the LCL specification.
Following are similar commands for changing X.3 settings on the remote PAD:
rpar? [param1[,param2,...]]
The Rpar? command displays the current values of the specified X.3 parameters on the
remote PAD. Or, if you specify no parameters, the com mand displays all current X.3
settings. For example:
rpar 2
rprof [profile | ?]
The Rprof command activates the X.3 profile for the remote PAD. Or, if you use this
command with the question mark (?) keyword, it displays the currently active profile
followed by a list of available profiles. If you do not specify any arguments, the Rprof
command displays the currently active profile. For example:
rprof infonet
rset [param1:value1 [,param2:value2,...]]
The Rset command sets one or more X.3 parameter values for the remote PAD. For
set 1:0, 2:1
rset? [param1:value1 [,param2:value2,...]]
The Rset? command is identical to the Rset command, except that it displays all X.3
parameter values after setting those specified on the command line.
X.25 PAD commands for managing calls
You can enter the following commands at the X.25 PAD prompt to generate calls, specify a
matching pattern for incoming calls, and perform related functions:
call [?] | [[address][*P|*D|*F data]]
The Call command generates a call by sending a Call-Request packet. If you enter the Call
command with only a question mark (?), the MAX displays the address the PAD would
use if you entered the Call command with no address.
The address argument specifies the X.121 address to which the MAX makes the call.
The address can contain up to 15 characters. If you do not specify a value for address,
the MAX makes the call request for the last address specified.
The MAX inserts the data following the *P and *D keywords into the last 12 bytes of
the user data field. If you specify *P, the screen does not ech o the data as you enter it, ev en
if you set X.3 parameter number 2 to Echo. This specification is useful for entering
passwords. If you specify *D, the screen echoes the data as you enter it.