3-80 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring WAN Access
Configuring MAXDAX
Set the Ch N #DialPlanSelDigits parameter to either 1 or 2. The MAX unit strips the
number of leading digits you specify, and uses them to identify the Dial Plan profile
for the outgoing call.
3When finished with the Net2Net Incoming Calls profile, exit the profile and, at the exit
prompt, select the exit and accept option.
To configure the Dial Plan profile:
1Open a System > Dial Plan profile.
The last two digits of the Dial Plan profiles menu-item number must match the value you
specified for Net/T1 (E1) > Line Config > Line Config profile > Line N > Net2Net
Incoming Calls > Ch NDial Plan #.
2Set the Call-by-Call parameter to the PRI service to use for the outgoing call.
Call-by-Call does not apply to outbound calls on inband T1 lines.
3Set the Data Svc parameter to the data service to use for the outgoing call.
Data Svc does not apply to outbound calls on inband T1 lines.
4Set the PRI # Type parameter to the type of telephone number the MAX unit dials for the
outgoing call:
National specifies telephone numbers within the United States.
Intl specifies telephone numbers outside the United States.
Local specifies telephone numbers within your Centrex group.
Inherit specifies the same PRI # Type value assigned to the incoming call.
PRI # Type does not apply to outbound calls on inband T1 lines.
5Set the Transit # parameter to a dialing prefix the unit uses when making the outbound
The default (null) directs the unit to use any available IEC for the long distance call. You
can also specify 288 (AT&T), 222 (MCI), or 333 (Sprint).
Transit # does not apply to outbound calls on inband T1 lines.
6Set the Bill # parameter if you use a different telephone number for billing purposes.
In most cases, you can leave this parameter blank. If you have questions, ask your service
7Set the PrependDigits parameter to specify the digits that the MAX unit prepends to the
called number before making the outgoing call.
8Set the Dest # parameter to the telephone number to be dialed for the outgoing call.
9Exit the profile and, at the exit prompt, select the exit and accept option.
When the MAX unit receives a call on the channel you configured in the Net2Net Incoming
Calls profile, the unit makes the outgoing call on the first available channel in the channel
group you specify for the Ch N Dest ChanGroup parameter for outgoing calls. The unit uses
the specified number of leading digits to determine which Dial Plan profile to use for the
outgoing call. For example, if you set #DialPlanSelDigits to 2 and a caller dials
234155551212, the unit uses Dial Plan profile 23 for the outgoing call.