Configuring Packet Bridging
Configuring bridged connections
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide 14-9
Bridge-unit_name-num Password="Ascend", User-Service=
unit_name is the system name of the MAXthat is, the name specified by the Name
parameter in the System profile. num is a number in a sequential series, starting at 1.
2For each pseudo-user profile, specify one or more bridge entries using the
Ascend-Bridge-Address attribute.
The Ascend-Bridge-Address attribute has this format:
Ascend-Bridge-Address="MAC_address profile_name IP_address"
Table 14-2 describes Ascend-Bridge-Add ress arguments.
Each Ascend-Bridge-Address setting specifies the IP address and associated MAC address of a
device on a remote LAN to which the MAX can form a bridging connection. When your MAX
receives an ARP request for one of the IP addresses you specify, the MAX replies with the
corresponding MAC address and uses the specified profile to bring up a connection to that
address. Because the MAX replies to these ARP requests as if the IP devices were local, you
must have user profiles that bridge IP packets to each device.
Whenever you power on or reset the MAX, or when you select the Upd Rem Cfg command
from the Sys Diag menu, RADIUS adds bridging entries to the bridge table in this way:
1RADIUS looks for profiles having the format Bridge-unit_name-num, where
unit_name is the system name and num is a number in a sequential series, starting with
2RADIUS loads the data to create the bridging tables.
Bridge profile configuration examples
The following profile specifies two bridging table entries.
Bridge-Ascend-1 Password="Ascend", User-Service=Dialout-Framed-User
Ascend-Bridge-Address="2:2:3:10:11:12 Prof1 1",
Ascend-Bridge-Address="2:2:3:13:14:15 Prof2 2"
Table 14-2.Ascend-Bridge-Address arguments
Argument Description
MAC_address Specifies a MAC address in standard 12-digit hexadecimal
format (yyyyyyyyyyyy) or in colon-separated format
(yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy). If the leading digit of a colon-separated
pair is 0 (zero), you do not need to enter it. That is, :y is the
same as :0y.
The default value is 0000000000 00.
profile_name Specifies the name of the dialout profile the MAX uses to bring
up the connection. You can specify either a Connection profile
or a RADIUS user profile. The MAX looks for a local profile
IP_address Specifies an IP address in dotted decimal notation. The default
value is