4-46 MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring Individual WAN Connections
Configuring MP, MP+ and BACP connections
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-IP-Netmask =

Enabling PPP dial-out for V.110 modems

The MAX unit can make outgoing calls to a V.110 terminal-adapter client by means of the PPP
protocol. This feature also supports the callback feature via V.110 for the MAXLink Client
software product. For information about enabling dial-out through the units digital modems,
see Configuring dial-out options on page4-89.
To enable PPP dial-out for V.110 modems:
1Open the Connection profile configured for asynchronous PPP.
2Open the Telco Options subprofile and specify the following data service:
Connection profile
Telco Options
Data Svc=v110 19.2 56K
3Exit the profile and, at the exit prompt, select the exit and accept option.
In the Data Svc settings, V.110 is the V.110 indicator, which tells the unit to communicate with
a V.110 terminal adapter (through the V.110 modem).
In this case, the connection to the remote terminal adapter (TA) uses a bit rate of 19.2 Kbps
over a line using the Switched-56 data service. If the unit cannot sync up with the remote TA at
the specified bit rate, it attempts to use one of the other bit rates. (For more detailed
information about the Data Svc parameter, see the MAX Reference.)
Configuring MP, MP+ and BACP connections
MP uses the encapsulation defined in RFC 1717. It enables the MAX unit to interact with
MP-compliant equipment from other vendors to use multiple channels for a call. MP
parameters include the PPP parameters described in PPP Options on page 4-7. MP without
BACP requires setting a few additional parameters. If you use MP with BACP, you have to set
a greater number of additional parameters. Following are the additional parameters required
for MP without BACP:
PPP Options
Min Ch Count=1
Max Ch Count=1
Connection profile