36Close Combat
When you first load Close Combat, the only Campaign in the scrollable list is New Campaign. Campaigns appear in the scrollable list only after you’ve saved them.
If you don’t want to see the Deployment video at the start of each operation in a Cam- paign, you can turn the videos on and off using the Options menu. If there is a check next to Videos on the Options menu, then videos are turned on.
Enemy Units Are Always Visible
You use this check box to make sure you can always see enemy units in the View Area.
To make enemy units always visible
•Click the check box. When a check mark appears in the check box, this option is enabled.
Enemy Intelligence Always Available
You use this check box to make intelligence concerning the enemy always available.
To make enemy intelligence always available
•Click the check box. When a check mark appears in the check box, this option is enabled.
Starting Campaign Play
When you start campaign play, you will either start a new or saved Campaign. The procedures for starting both new and saved campaigns assume that you have already started Close Combat and the Command screen is displayed.
To start a new Campaign
1On the Command screen, click the Campaign button.
Any saved Campaigns appear in the scrollable list with New Campaign at the top of the list.
2Select the side, number of players, and level of difficulty.
3In the scrollable list,
4Type your commander’s name, then press TAB.
You can use up to 11 alphanumeric characters for the commander’s name.
5Type your Campaign’s name.
You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the Campaign name.