Video Game
Video Games
Close Combat
Close Combat
163 pages
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Enemy Threat Indicator
Barbed Wire
To issue a Move command
Command Screen
Going to Boot Camp
Using the Toolbar
Game Play Mode
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Game Reference
About Close Combat
You Lead Human Beings, not Superheroes
Close Combat Game Theory
Dynamic Play Balancing Means No Two Games Play the Same
Taking Other Realistic Factors into Account
Who’s in Control? You Choose
To set up Close Combat in Windows
Installation and Setup
To set up Close Combat in Windows 95 if AutoRun is disabled
To launch Close Combat in Windows
Minimum Windows Minimum Macintosh System Configuration
To set up Close Combat on the Macintosh
System Requirements
To launch Close Combat on the Macintosh
Playing Close Combat-An Overview
Close Combat Game Types
Going to Boot Camp
Viewing Terrain
Quick Tour of Close Combat
Monitors and Toolbars
Infantry Strategies
Campaign Play
Maneuver Play
Reconnoitering Close Combat
Command Screen
Menu Bar
Game Buttons
Side Buttons
Number Of Player Buttons
Level Of Difficulty Buttons
Scrollable List
Game Screen
Status Bar
Begin Button
Command Menu
Toolbar Game Play Mode Deployment
Team Monitor
Game Screen Monitors
Attribute Description
Leader Rank
Enemy Threat Indicator
Soldier Monitor
Ability Description
State Description
Vehicle Team Panel
Infantry Team Panel
Condition text Text Color
Status field Description
Soldier Panels
Current action Description
Function Description
Health Description
Emotional state Description
Fatigue level Description
Overview Monitor
Message Monitor
Zoom Monitor
Ammunition type Description
Victory Information
Debriefing Screen
Score Summaries
Details Button
Debriefing Details Screen
Command Screen Button
Historical Timeline
Save Replay Button
Return Button
Color Scale
Debriefing Table
Setup and Game Play
Close Combat
Starting Games
Starting Maneuver Play
To start maneuver play
American Strength
Refining the Level of Difficulty
To select American strength
German Strength
To make American units are fearless
To make American units always obey orders
To make German units always obey orders
To make German units fearless
To make enemy units always visible
Starting Campaign Play
To make enemy intelligence always available
To start a new Campaign
Starting Replays
To start a saved Campaign
To start a Replay
Winning Close Combat Games
Killed or Americans Wounded
Killed or Germans Wounded
Deploying Teams
Issuing Commands
Issuing Move and Move Fast Commands
To issue a Move command
To issue a Move Fast command
Issuing Fire and Smoke Commands
To issue a Smoke command
To issue a Fire command
Issuing a Defend Command
Issuing a Hide Command
To issue a Defend command
To issue a Hide command
Using the Toolbar
Deployment Mode
Toolbar in Deployment Mode
Toolbar in Game Play mode
Game Play Mode
Monitoring the Game
Using the View Area
Using the Team Monitor
Using the Soldier Monitor
Using the Message Monitor
Pausing a Game
Using the Overview Monitor
To use the Overview monitor
Ending a Game
Ending Games
Stopping a Game
To end a game
Exiting Close Combat
Saving Games
To stop a game
To exit Close Combat from Windows
To save a battle as a Replay
Using the Options Menu
To choose options in Windows
To choose options on the Macintosh
Turning Music On/Off
Turning Sound On/Off
Turning Videos On/Off
Expanding the View Area to Use the Entire Screen
Removing/Displaying Trees from the Map
Removing/Displaying Soldiers Killed In Action
Minimizing Close Combat
Playing Head-to-Head
Getting Help
Finding a Topic in the Help File
Basic Tactics
Shoot It Out
Frontal Assault
Infantry Tips
Game Play Tips
Vehicle Tips
Weapons Tips
General Tips
Normandy June 6
Evolution of Operation Overlord
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
General Omar Bradley
British General Bernard Montgomery
Preparations for Operation Overlord
Fooling the Germans with Fortitude
German Forces in Normandy
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
Allies Invade on D-Day
Soldiers landing on Omaha Beach
Soldiers crammed into landing craft
Bloody Omaha and Beyond
Soldiers taking cover Behind seawall on Omaha Beach
Off The Beach
Close Combat Operation German Side
Across The Aure
Normandy June 13
German hedgerow defenses
German Defenses in the Bocage
Hedgerow Hell
First Encounters in the Bocage
Troops under fire in the bocage
Sgt. Bill Davidson, in Yank
Lt. Jack Shea, from Yank
Allied Improvisation in the Bocage
Pfc. Bob Sloane, in Yank
Breaking the Impasse
Going for the High Ground Hill 192 and Purple Heart Draw
We did
Purple Heart Draw
Sgt. Bill Davidson, in Yank
Taking Saint-Lô at Last
Close Combat Operation German Side
Close Combat Operation U.S. Side
Ruins of Saint-Lô
Infantry in Battle
It was one terrible blood- letting
Patton Unleashed
Trapped in the Falaise Pocket
Falaise Pocket August 13Ð20
Effective range 30 m 32 yds
Colt .45 model Walther P
Mauser Kar
Springfield ’03 Rifle
Effective range 550 m 600 yds
Semiautomatic Rifle Garand Rifle
Effective range 75 m 83 yds
Browning Automatic Rifle BAR M1 Carbine
MP40 Machine Pistol
Thompson Submachine Gun
Caliber Air-Cooled Machine Gun M1919A4 MG 42 Machine Gun
Caliber Air-Cooled Machine Gun M2-HB
Armor penetration 240 mm 9.4
Grenade Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Armor penetration 230 mm 9
German Hand Grenades American Hand Grenades
Egg Grenade Specifications
Mark II Fragmentation Grenade
Stick Grenade
Mm Mortar Mortar 60-mm M2 and Mount M2
Close Combat
M1 57-mm Antitank Gun
Mm Antitank Gun Pak
Armor penetration 122 mm 4.8
Inch Gun M5
Armor penetration 96 mm 3.8
7.5-cm Light Infantry Gun
Panzer III L Medium Tank M5A1 Light Tank
Mm Sherman Tank Panzer IV H Tank
M4A3 76.2-mm Sherman Tank Panzer V Panther Medium Tank
StuG IIIG/StuH Infantry Support Tanks Tiger I Heavy Tank
Marder III Self-Propelled Antitank Gun
M10 Tank Destroyer
Jagdpanther Hunting Panther Tank Destroyer
M36 Tank Destroyer
Armament Various
SdKfz 250 Light Armored Troop Carrier M3A1 Halftrack
SdKfz 231 Armored Car
Kfz 1 Kübelwagen
Basic Terrain
Civilian Terrain
Military Terrain
Barbed Wire
Wood Buildings
Stone Buildings
Big Picture Short History of World War
Let Loose the Dogs of War World War II Begins
Germany Blitzes West
Russia Invades Finland
Close Combat
Battle of Britain
Close Combat
General Erwin Rommel in North Africa
Desert Fox The North Africa Campaign
Barbarossa Begins Germany Attacks Russia
Germans advancing into Russia
Scale of Forces
Hitler and the Wehrmacht Problems of Command
Sunday Surprise The Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor
Omar Nelson Bradley
Germany and Italy Declare War on the United States
Dieppe Debacle
Allies Agree to Beat Germany First
Convoys and Wolfpacks the Battle of the Atlantic
Long Road to Normandy
War in the Pacific
Germany Blitzes East Again
Axis Cracks The German Defeat At Stalingrad
Russian soldiers in winter camouflage on the attack
Close Combat
British soldiers in North Africa
Monty and Torch The North Africa Campaign
British officer on tank combat near El Alamein
Erwin Rommel
Bernard L. Montgomery
Close Combat
Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill at Tehran
Long Formation The Air War In Europe
Landings in Sicily
Foothold in Europe
American First Division fighting in Italy
Fierce Encounters Landings in Italy
From Yank, an American military publication
On To Rome
Problems of Supply
From Shots Fired in Anger by Lt. Col. John George
Close Combat
End of Festung Europa
On the Eve of Operation Overlord
Racing Toward the Rhine
Collapse of Festung Europa
Red Army Marches To Vengeance
Last Blitzkrieg The Battle of the Bulge
American tanks on the move in Germany
Road to Berlin
Red Sky in the East the Soviets Capture Berlin
American and Russian soldiers
Photostat of German surrender with Jodls signature
Final Surrender And Beyond
World War II ends-and the Cold War begins