8Close Combat
On the Command screen, click to select the game options you want:
1Click Boot Camp (basic training), Maneuvers (to fight single battles), Campaign (to fight all battles sequentially), or Replays (to play previously completed battles).
Choosing any of these options displays a scrollable list from which you can choose the training scenario or action you want to play.
Maneuvers is the default setting.
2Select the training exercise, battle, Campaign (new or saved), or Replay you want.
3Select the side you want to fight on (American or German). American is the default setting.
When you start Close Combat, the default setting is
5Select the level of difficulty you want for the upcoming game: Easy, Normal, Hard, or Custom.
The default setting is Normal.
6Click Begin to load the game. The game starts in Deploy mode.
7Examine the game map, drag your teams to the positions you want, then click Begin again to start game play.
Once you begin play, you issue commands (Move, Move Fast, Fire, Smoke, Defend, or Hide) until you win or lose.
When the game is over, Close Combat tells you who won, then the Debriefing screen appears, summarizing the results of the battle. From this screen you can save any completed game as a Replay.
If you have played a Maneuver
Going to Boot Camp
Boot Camp walks you through five sample battles to teach you Close Combat basics. You lead soldiers and issue orders while learning the basics of the game. The exercises are usually most valuable when you do them in order, but you can do them randomly if you prefer.