Chapter 5 Alarms and Events
© National Instruments Corporation 5-5 BridgeVIEW User Manual
The diagram above uses event-driven programming to wait for an
alarm summary event before updating the Alarm Summary Display.
The Read Alarm Summary VI returns when an alarm event occurs on
any of the tags in the tag constant array. The column headers for the
Alarm Summary Display are initialized when the Read Alarm
Summary VI returns for the first time, and the initialize output is set.
The Alarm Summary Display is updated when the Read Alarm
Summary VI returns with changed? set.
4. Save the VI as My Alarm Summary.vi in the BridgeVIEW\
Activity directory.
5. Run the VI. Now you can display the alarms on tags that have been
configured for alarms. By default, the Alarm Summary Display shows
alarms as red when they are in an unacknowledged alarm state, yellow
when they are acknowledged and in alarm, and green when they are not
in alarm but unacknowledged.
Note If there are no alarms being displayed, launch the Tag Configuration Editor
(Project»Tag»Configuration) and open mytanks.scf. Edit it as indicated in
Activity 3-1, save it, and relaunch the Engine.
End of Activity 5-1.