Appendix A HMI Function Reference
BridgeVIEW User Manual A-84 © National Instruments Corporation
Set Multiple Tag AttributesUse the Set Multiple Tag Attributes VI to reconfigure several attributes for a list of tags or
groups of tags programmatically. You must have the Engine running for the changes to take
effect. Otherwise, this VI returns an error. For more information about the tag attributes you
can change with this VI, refer to any of the five configuration attributes tables in the section
How Do You Configure Tags? in Chapter 3, Tag Configuration, in this manual. Also see the
Tag Attributes VIs section in Chapter 7, Advanced Application Topics.
Because the attribute value is a numeric, for discrete attributes, use 1 or 0 to represent TRUE
or FALSE respectively. All the attributes are set for each tag in group/tag name.
group/tag names is the list of tags, or groups of tags, for which you want
to set attributes.
attributes and values is a list of attributes and values to be set. You can
select multiple attributes and their corresponding values, and they will be
applied to all the tags. For more information about the tag attributes you can
change with this VI, refer to any of the four configuration attributes tables
in the section How Do You Configure Tags? in Chapter 3, Tag
Configuration, in this manual.
error in (no error) is a cluster that describes the error status before this VI
executes. For more information about this control, see the section Errors
Not Reported by the BridgeVIEW Engine in this appendix.
error out is a cluster that describes the error status after this VI executes.
For more information about this indicator, see the section Errors Not
Reported by the BridgeVIEW Engine in this appendix.