Chapter 11 Loops and Charts
BridgeVIEW User Manual 11-24 © National Instruments Corporation
run of the VI. Therefore, you could get a maximum output value that
is not related to the current set of collected data.
Max & Min function (Functions»Comparison)—Takes two numeric
inputs and outputs the maximum value of the two in the top right
corner and the minimum of the two in the bottom right corner. Because
you only are interested in the maximum value for this exercise, wire
only the maximum output and ignore the minimum output.
6. Wire the terminals as shown. If the Maximum Value terminal were
inside the For Loop, you would see it continuously updated, but
because it is outside the loop, it contains only the last calculated
Note Updating indicators each time a loop iterates is time-consuming and you should
try to avoid it when possible to increase execution speed.
7. Run the VI.
8. Save the VI as Calculate in the BridgeVIEW\Activity
End of Activity 11-7.