Chapter 8 Servers
BridgeVIEW User Manual 8-12 © National Instruments Corporation
How Do You Develop an IA Device Server?
You can write an IA Device Server as a BridgeVIEW VI. Several of the
example simulation servers installed with BridgeVIEW are VI-based
servers. Writing a VI-based IA server is a simple way to emulate hardware
or connect BridgeVIEW to a simple device. You can use the same
BridgeVIEW development environment to create the server as you used to
develop your application. The toolkit for creating a VI-based device server
is included on the BridgeVIEW CD.
You also can implement an IA Device Server as a 32-bit W indows Dynamic
Link Library (DLL). Most of the PLC servers for BridgeVIEW are
implemented as DLLs. Writing a DLL-based IA Device Server requires
more work than writing a VI-based server, but can support clients other
than BridgeVIEW.