BridgeVIEW User Manual G-10 © National Instruments Corporation
Tag Monitor A utility to view the current value of a tag, along with its status and alarm
tag status A variable that determines the validity of a tag value. A negative status
represents an error, a positive status represents a warning, and a status of
zero represents a good tag value.
terminal Object or region on a node through which data passes.
timestamp The exact time and date at which a tag value was sampled. Tag values are
stored with their timestamps in the RTDB.
top-level VI VI at the top of the VI hierarchy. This term distinguishes the VI from its
trend A view of data over time. Trends can display real-time or historical data.
Uuniversal constant Uneditable block diagram object that emits a particular ASCII character or
standard numeric constant, for example, π.
update deadband The range through which a tag value must change before it is updated in the
Real-Time Database.
user See operator.
user-defined constant Block diagram object that emits a value you set.
VVI See virtual instrument.
VI library Special file that contains a collection of related VIs for a specific use.
virtual instrument A program in the graphical programming language G; so-called because it
models the appearance and function of a physical instrument.