Chapter 7 Advanced Application Topics
© National Instruments Corporation 7-15 BridgeVIEW User Manual
How Do You Log In and Out?
To log in, choose Project»Security»Login. Type in your account name
and password. If you do not know your login name, or have forgotten your
password, contact your BridgeVIEW administrator.
To log out, choose Project»Security»Logout.
How Do You Find Your Access Level?
After you have logged in, you can find your access level by choosing
Project»Security»Access Levels…. When you make this selection, the
Access Levels dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 7-2.
Figure 7-2. Access Levels Dialog Box
You also can view your privileges by clicking the Privileges… button. For
more information about privileges, refer to Table7-1 and to the section,
How Do You Find Your Environment Privileges? in this chapter.
How Do You Find Your Environment Privileges?
After you have logged in, you can find your environment privileges by
choosing Project»Security»Privileges…. When you make this selection,
the Privileges dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 7-3.