Chapter 15 Application Control
BridgeVIEW User Manual 15-6 © National Instruments Corporation
The elements of the VI are described below.
Open VI Reference (Functions»Application Control)—Opens the
two VIs dynamically and loads them into memory.
Path Control (Right-click on the Path input of the Open VI Reference
and choose Create Control)—Provides the path tothe subVIs to be
Array String constant (Functions»Array)—Provide the name of the
subVIs to be called, and
Cluster to Array (Functions»Cluster)—Converts the cluster of
booleans to a boolean array.
Search 1D Array (Function»Array)—Returns the index of the first
TRUE value it finds in the Boolean array. If you did not clickon a
button, Search 1D array returns an index value of –1 and does nothing.
If a Boolean value is pressed, it returns the index value ofthe
respective Boolean and then runs and opens theselected subVI.
Invoke Node, Run VI method (Functions»Application Control)
Executes the subVI reference that is specified by the output of the
Search 1D array.
Property Node, Front Panel Open Property (Functions»Application
Control)—Displays the selected HMI subVIs front panel.
Property Node, Front Panel Open Property set to False
(Functions»Application Control)—Uses the selected HMI subVIs
front panel.
Close Application or VI Reference (Functions»Application
Control)—Unloads the VI from memory.
Greater Than or Equal to 0 Function (Functions»Comparison)—
Returns TRUE if the input value is greater than or equal to 0.
Otherwise the function returns FALSE.
Boolean Constant (Functions»Numeric)—Supplies a constant TRUE
or FALSE value to the Not Function, in this activity. Set this value by
clicking on the T or F portion of the constant with the Operating tool.
The value cannot be changed while the VI is executing.