Chapter 9 Creating VIs
© National Instruments Corporation 9-7 BridgeVIEW User Manual
Activity 9-1. Create a VI
Your objective is to build a VI.
Imagine that you have sensors that read temperature and volume readings
as voltage. You will use a VI in the BridgeVIEW\Activity directory to
simulate the temperature and volume measurements in volts. You will write
a VI to scale these measurements to degrees fahrenheit and liters,
1. Open a new front panel by selecting File»New. If you have closed all
VIs, select New VI from the BridgeVIEW dialog box.
Note If the Controls palette is not visible, select Windows»Show Controls Palette to
display the palette. You also can access the Controls palette by popping up in an
open area of the front panel. To pop up, right-click on your mouse.
2. Select Tank from Controls»Vessels, and place it on the front panel.
3. Type Volume in the label text box and click anywhere on the front
Note If you click outside the text box without entering text, the label disappears.
Toshow the label again, pop up on the control and select Show»Label.
4. Rescale the tank indicator to display the tank volume between 0.0
and 1000.0.
a. Using the Labeling tool, double-click on 10.0 on the tank scale to
highlight it.
b. Type 1000 in the scale and click the mouse button anywhere on
the front panel. The intermediary increments are scaled
5. Place a thermometer from Controls»Numeric on the front panel.
Label it Temp and rescale it to be between 0 and 100.
6. Your front panel should look like the following illustration.