Chapter 7 Advanced Application Topics
BridgeVIEW User Manual 7-16 © National Instruments Corporation
Figure 7-3. Privileges Dialog Box
For more information about BridgeVIEW user privileges, refer to
Tabl e 7-1.
How Do You Change Your Password?
You must be logged in to change your password. Choose
Project»Security»Change Password.
Type in your old password, then your new password. Type in your new
password again to verify it.
How Do You Check a Users Privileges?
Use the Check Operator Privileges VI in the System»Security palette. This
VI checks the current user’s privileges to see if the user has a particular
privilege. An example is shown below.
How Do You Prompt the Operator to Log In
to Your Application?
Use the Invoke Login DialogVI in the System»Security palette. This VI
launches the Login dialog box and returns the user name and access level.
You can have your application control login as part of its HMI. For more