© National Instruments Corporation I-19 Bridge VIEW User Manual
Temp&Vol VI,10-8
terminals, adding to VIs, 9-3
Thermometer VI, 14-21
Threads table, B-4
tip strips, 9-4
Tools palette,2-4
Trend Tags VI,A-62
See also Historical Trend Viewer (HTV).
historical trends, 6-1
purpose and use, 1-7, 6-1
real-time trends, 6-1
UUser Account List VI, A-53
user accounts
exporting to another computer,7-2 0
importing from another computer, 7-21
user acounts
exporting a list of users to a file, 7-19
importing a list of users from a file, 7-20
user privileges, 7-16
UTCTime query field,B-4
Vvertical switch
Boolean switch (activity), 11-8
placing on front panel, 11-5
VI Control VIs
Release Instrument VI, 15-6
locating, 7-5
panel size and visibility,controlling, 7-6
purpose and use, 1-5, 7-5
VI Control VIs. See Application Control and
VI Server,15-1
VI Server
block diagram, 15-5
front panel, 15-4
locating, 15-1
memory considerations, 15-2
purpose and use, 15-2
using to load and execute VIs
dynamically, 15-3
VI Server functions
Invoke Node,15-6
Open VI Reference, 15-6
Property Node
front panel open property, 15-6
controlling panel visibility, 7-7
VI Setup dialog box, 10-1
View Server Device Information dialog
box, 8-11
viewing new data automatically after
logging, 6-14
VIs, 2-1
See also BridgeVIEW VI Library;
program design; subVIs.
block diagram, 2-3
components, 1-4, 2-2
creating, 9-1
controls, constants, and
indicators, 9-2
documenting VIs, 9-9
hierarchy of VIs, 9-1
Hierarchy window,9-12
saving as individual files,9-1
saving in VI libraries, 9-1
terminals, 9-3
wires, 9-3
debugging, 9-21