Chapter 2 BridgeVIEW Environment
BridgeVIEW User Manual 2-4 © National Instruments Corporation
Tools PaletteBridgeVIEW has a floating Tools palette, which you can use to edit and
debug VIs. You use the <Tab> key to tab through the commonly used tools
on the palette. If you have closed the Tools palette, select Windows»Show
Tools Palette to display the palette. A shortcut for bringing up the Tools
palette is to right click while pressing the <Shift> key. The following
illustration shows the Tools palette.
Operating tool—Places Controls and Functions palette items on the front
panel and block diagram.
Positioning tool—Positions, resizes, and selects objects.
Labeling tool—Edits text and creates free labels.
Wiring tool—Wires objects together in the block diagram.
Object pop-up menu tool—Brings up a pop-up menu for an object.
Scroll tool—Scrolls through the window without using the scrollbars.
Breakpoint tool—Sets breakpoints on VIs, functions, loops, sequences,
and cases.
Probe tool—Creates probes on wires.
Color Copy tool—Copies colors for pasting with the Color tool.
Color tool—Sets foreground and background colors.
Note You can pop up on an object by clicking on it with the right mouse button.