BridgeVIEW User Manual I-2 © National Instruments Corporation
array functions
Array Size, 14-11
Array Subset, 14-12
Build Array,14-9
Index Array,14 -13
Initialize Array,14-10
using Build Array function
(activity), 14-15
Array Max & Min function, 14-22
array shell, 14-1
Array Size function, 14-11
array string constant, 15-6
Array Subset function, 14-12
arrays, 14-1
auto-indexing, 14-2
auto-indexing (activity),14-3
block diagram, 14-4
front panel, 14-3
multiplot graphs,14-6
setting For Loop count, 14-9
controls, constants, and indicators, 14-2
creating and initializing, 14-1
data acquisition arrays in graphs, 14-20
efficient memory usage: minimizing data
copies, 14-16
index, 14-1
input arrays (activity), 14-8
setting For Loop count with
auto-indexing, 14-9
purpose and use, 1-5
resizing array indicator, 14-5
attribute nodes, 13-1
block diagram, 13-3
front panel, 13-3
creating, 13-1
Help window,13-2
purpose and use, 1-5, 13-1
alarm, 3-3
connection, 3-2
general, 3-2
operation, 3-2
scaling, 3-2
static vs. dynamic, 3-3
tag, 3-1
axis text, modifying (note), 11-19
bit array tags
alarm configuration, 3-35
creating, 3-5
purpose and use, 3-10
scaling, 3-29
Bit Array Tag Configuration dialog
box, 3-30
scaling examples (table), 3-30
block diagram
generating with HMI G Wizard, 4-8
program design, 16-4
avoiding overuse of Sequence
structures, 16-8
checking for errors, 16-5
common operations, 16-4
left-to-right layouts, 16-5
studying examples, 16-8
purpose and use, 2-3
toolbar and buttons, 2-2
Boolean constants
adding to subVI, 10-7
VI Server,1 5-6
Boolean controls and indicators, 2-7