Chapter 14 Arrays, Clusters, and Graphs
© National Instruments Corporation 14-3 BridgeVIEW User Manual
By default, auto-indexing is disabled for every array wired to a While Loop.
Pop up on the array tunnel of a While Loop to enable auto-indexing.
Activity 14-1. Create an Array with Auto-Indexing
Your objective is to create an array using the auto-indexing feature of a
For Loop and plot the array in a waveform graph.
You will build a VI that generates an array using the Generate Waveform
VI and plots the array in a waveform graph. You also will modify the VI to
graph multiple plots.
Front Panel
1. Open a new front panel.
2. Place an array shell from Controls»Array & Cluster in the fro nt
panel. Label the array shell Waveform Array.