Chapter 3 Tag Configuration
© National Instruments Corporation 3-41 BridgeVIEW User Manual
8. Modify the Mixer, Liquid, and Powder tags, as specified in
Table3-11, to configure them for Historical Logging and Alarm
Acknowledgement. To edit a tag configuration, double-click the tag in
the Tag Configuration Editor listbox or press the EditTag… button.
You can select multiple tags by holding the <Shift> key while
dragging or clicking the mouse. When you edit multiple tags, the Tag
Configuration dialog box shows three buttons: Edit Next Tag, OK,
and Cancel. Select the Edit Next Tag to record any edits from the
TagConfiguration dialog box and then display the next tag selected.
Select OK to record any edits from the Tag Configuration dialog
and return to the Tag Configuration Editor. Select Cancel to discard
changes to the current tag and return to the Tag Configuration Editor.
Alarms Enable Alarms Enabled
Alarm Acknowledge
Mode Auto Ack on Normal
Alarm Deadband
(% of range) 1.00
HI_HI Enabled, Limit =
950.00, Priority = 1
HI Enabled, Limit =
800.00, Priority = 1
LO Disabled
LO_LO Disabled
Bad Status Alarm Enabled, Priority = 1
Table 3-11. Configuration Modifications for Activity 3-1
Category Attribute Setting
Operations Log Data Enabled
Log Deadband
(% of range) 0.00
Log Resolution 0.10
Table 3-10. Configuration Settings for Activity 3-1 (Continued)
Category Attribute Setting