Chapter 5 Alarms and Events
BridgeVIEW User Manual 5-12 © National Instruments Corporation
How Do You Log Alarms and Events?Events are logged in ASCII files named in the format YYMMDDHHMM.evt
using the timestamp of the first point to be logged. YY is the year, MM is the
Table 5-2. Event Configuration, Log, and Print Format Selections
Selection Description
Date Determines whether the date is logged or printed.
Date Format A menu ring that allows you to pick a format for the date to be printed. This
selection is valid only if Date is selected. The menu items are: MM/DD/YYYY
Time Determines whether the time is logged or printed.
Time Form at Determines the format for the time logged or printed. This selection is valid
only if Time is selected. The menu items are: AM/PM and 24 HOUR.
Tag N ame Determines whether the tag name is logged or printed.
Tag Name Field
Length Determines the maximum number of characters for the tag name.
This selection is valid only if Tag Name is checked.
Event Type Determines whether the event name is logged or printed.
Group Name Determines whether the group name is logged or printed.
Group Name Field
Length Determines the maximum number of characters for the group name.
This selection is valid only if Group Name is checked.
Alarm Value Determines whether the alarm value is logged or printed.
Alarm State Determines whether the alarm state is logged or printed.
Alarm Ack State Determines whether the alarm acknowledge state is logged or printed.
Alarm Priority Determines whether the alarm priority is logged or printed.
Alarm Limit Determines whether the alarm limit is logged or printed.
Operator Name Determines whether the name of the current operator is logged or printed.
Operator Name
Field Length Determines the maximum number of characters for the operator name.
This selection is valid only if Operator Name is checked.
Alarm Message Determines whether the alarm message is logged or printed.
Alarm Message
Field Length Determines the maximum number of characters for the alarm message.
This selection is valid only if Alarm Message is checked.