Chapter 6 Historical Data Logging and Extraction
BridgeVIEW User Manual 6-6 © National Instruments Corporation
Activity 6-1. Use the Historical Data VIs
The objective of this exercise is to create a VI that programmatically
reads historical information from Citadel and determines statistical
information of the data.
In this activity, you will read previously logged data, which is included in
the BridgeVIEW\Activity\Data directory. Y ou will use mytanks.scf
in the BridgeVIEW\Activity directory, as edited in Activity3-1,
Configure a Tag, and View the Tag Configuration Parameters and Tag
1. Open a new VI and place a Historical Trend on the panel window from
the Controls»Graph palette. Change the maximum of the Y scale
to 1000.
2. Pop up on the Historical Trend and select HMI G Wizard…. If a
dialog box prompts you to locate a Citadel Data directory, open
BridgeVIEW\Activity\Data and select the current directory.
Complete the dialog box, as shown in the following illustration.