Chapter 3 Tag Configuration
BridgeVIEW User Manual 3-12 © National Instruments Corporation
You associate a tag with its real-world I/O point by assigning it a Server,
I/O Group, and Item in the Connection tab of the Tag Configuration
dialog box, shown in Figure 3-5. If an I/O Group does not already exist for
the server, you must create one before you can select or enter an item for
the tag. The I/O Group is user-defined and provides you with a place to
configure the rate and deadband for an item. For IAK and VI-based servers,
you select the device as part of the I/O group configuration. For OPC
servers, the I/O group conforms to an OPC group.
When you edit a tag, use the ring inputs to assign values to the tag. Use the
Create…, Edit…, and Delete buttons to configure I/O Groups and Items.
For more information about device servers, see Chapter 8, Servers.
Table 3-1. General Configuration Attributes
Attribute Applies to
Data Types Description
Tag N ame all Determines the name of the tag you are configuring. Always refer
to a tag by its name. Tag names are not case sensitive and can
include any combination of printable characters (including
space) with the exception of “/” (forward slash) and “ \”
Tag Group all Determines the group name to use for thi s tag. You can use
groups to assist in alarm management and reporting and to help
organize tags in an application.
Description all Provides a description of the tag.
Length string,
bit array Determines the maximum number of bits in the bit array.
The length is between 1 and 32 for bit array tags. String tags
can be of any length.