Chapter 3 Tag Configuration
© National Instruments Corporation 3-39 BridgeVIEW User Manual
Note This configuration file uses data simulated by the Tanks Server. You must ensure
that the Tanks Server is registered with the BridgeVIEW Engine by selecting
Project»Server Tools»Server Browser. If you do not see Tanks Server in the
Registered Servers list, run the Register Tanks from the
BridgeVIEW\_servers\Tanks Server directory.
If any of the tags in the Tag Configuration Editor List have a prohibited
symbol, shown at left, next to them, you have not registered the Tanks
Server VI yet. You must register this server before you can use it.
For information about how to register this server, see steps 1
through3inthis activity.
6. Create a tag called Product by selecting the Create Analog Tag(s)…
7. Table 3-10 contains the settings you should choose when configuring
your new analog tag. Enter the values listed in the Setting column for
each attribute in the Tag Configuration dialog box to configure the
tag connection, operations, scaling, and alarms. For example, in
the General tab of the Tag Configuration dialog box, you should
type in Product as the tag name. After entering all of the values,
press the OK button to set the tag configuration.
Note You also can specify a tag name by selecting the proper I/O connections
(tag access, item, etc.) and then clicking on Paste Item Name to Tag Name.
After doing so, the item name appears in the Tag Name field.