Chapter 16 Program Design
© National Instruments Corporation 16-5 BridgeVIEW User Manual
For example, examine the following diagram in which three similar
operations run independently.
An alternative to this design is a loop, which performs the operation
three times. You can build an array of the different arguments and use
auto-indexing to set the correct value for each iteration of the loop.
If the array elements are constant, you can use an array constant instead of
building the array on the block diagram.
Use Left-to-Right Layouts
G is designed to use a left-to-right (and sometimes top-to-bottom) layout.
Organize all elements of your program in this layout when possible.
Check for Errors
When you perform any kind of I/O, consider the possibility of errors
occurring. Almost all I/O functions return error information. If you use
direct I/O, make sure that your program checks for errors and you handle
them appropriately.