Chapter 7 Advanced Application Topics
© National Instruments Corporation 7-5 BridgeVIEW User Manual
5. Make a copy of the Alarms button. Click on the button text with the
labeling tool and name the button Monitor.
6. Pop up on the Monitor button and select Panel G Wizard…. Use the
same settings as before, but connect this button to the Monitor you created in Activity 4-3, Read a Tag.
7. Make a copy of the Monitor button. Rename the button Trend. Using
the Panel G Wizard, connect this button to the My Tank you
created in Activity 4-1, Use the HMI G Wizard.
8. Your front panel should now look like this.
9. Before you run the VI, make sure that the correct mytanks.scf file
is being used. If the engine is currently running, you can check
the Engine Manager display. If an incorrect .scf file is inuse, stop
the engine and open the Tag Browser. Select Tag Browser… to
configure BridgeVIEW to open the mytanks.scf file in the
BridgeVIEW\Activity directory. Launch the engine either from the
Engine Manager display or by selecting Project»Launch Engine….
10. Save My Menu Run the VI. When you press on one of the
buttons, the appropriate panel should open and run.
11. Experiment with other buttons to open the Historical Trend Viewer,
invoke a Login prompt, and so on. You can also configure security
access checks on the buttons.
End of Activity 7-1.

VI Server Functions

The VI Server provides you with several functions to control your VIs,
such as panel location, size, and visibility. These functions are useful when
your application requires a large number of different operator screens.