Chapter 6 Historical Data Logging and Extraction
© National Instruments Corporation 6-11 BridgeVIEW User Manual
Panning ButtonsThe Panning buttons allow you to move backward and forward through the
historical data in the trend. The buttons do not affect the timespan of the
trend. For example, if the trend displays data from 9:45 to 9:55 on the same
day, the timespan is ten minutes. Table 6-2 describes the Panning button
Manual ChangesYou can also select the text at either end of the time axis and change the
data. You must enter the date in the correct format. If you make an error,
the input is ignored.
You can select and enter the time and date on the time (X) axis of the
historical trend on the HTV directly. However, the HTV responds
immediately to any changes you make. If you want to make manual edits to
both the start and stop time on the time axis, you can select the
Viewer»Time & Date option. When you select this option, a dialog box
appears, shown below, and you can enter the start and stop time of the data
displayed in the trend.
Table 6-2. Panning Button Functions
Button Name Description
|< Retrieve oldest data Displays the first available page of data.
<< Back to closest point Centers the display around the closest point to the left
of the timespan. If there is no data in the previous time span,
skips to the previous end of data.
<Back one-half page Moves the display back by half of the current timespan.
>Forward one-half page Moves the display forward by half of the current timespan.
>> Forward to closest point Centers the display around the closest point to the right
of the timespan. If there is no data in the next time span, it
skips to the next start of data.
>| Most recent data Displays the most recent available page of data.