Chapter 2 BridgeVIEW Environment
BridgeVIEW User Manual 2-18 © National Instruments Corporation
If the BridgeVIEW Engine is loaded, you can view the tags currently
loaded with the Tag Browser. If the BridgeVIEW Engine is not loaded, the
Tag Browser displays the currently loaded .scf file. Use the Browse…
button to change the .scf file.
The Tag Browser is a useful tool if you need to look at how a tag is
configured while you are building your MMI VIs. You also can use the
TagBrowser to change the loaded configuration file.
If you want to access the configuration information for a tag
programmatically, you can use the VIs in the Tag Attributes palette.
For more information about the Tag Attributes VIs, refer to AppendixA,
HMI Function Reference.
What Is the Tag Monitor?With the Tag Monitor, you can monitor the value, unit, timestamp, alarm
state, and status for selected tags in the system, as well as write the value to
an output or input/output tag. You launch the Tag Monitor by selecting
Project»Tag»Monitor. When you first launch the Tag Monitor, a tag
selection dialog box displays all the tags configured in the currently
selected tag configuration file. For more information about configuring
tags, refer to Chapter 3, Tag Configuration.
Figure 2-5 shows the Tag Monitor.
Zero Scale Displays the zero scale engineering value for the tag. This is displayed for
analog tags only.
Units Displays the engineering unit for the tag. This is displayed for analog tags
Table 2-3. Tag Browser Field Descriptions (Continued)
Field Description