© National Instruments Corporation I-17 Bridge VIEW User Manual
LO Limit, 3-32
LO Priority,3-32
LO_LO Enabled, 3-32
LO_LO Limit, 3-32
LO_LO Priority,3 -32
Tag Last Modified,3-33
connecting to OPC server,3-21
connecting tag to DDE server, 3-21
defining group of tags for
alarming, 3-21
generate tags from server
information, 3-20
I/O Group configuration
server configuration
options, 3-16
item configuration
options, 3-18
memory tags, 3-19
data types, 3-10
editing, copying, or creating tags from the
HMI G Wizard, 4-7
general configuration attributes
(table), 3-12
Maximum Length, 3-12
Tag Description,3-12
Tag Group,3-12
Tag N ame , 3 -12
I/O Group Configuration Attributes
(table), 3-16
Communication Resource, 3-16
Device Comm Resource, 3-16
I.O Group Update Deadband, 3-16
I/O Group Description, 3-16
I/O Group Device, 3-16
I/O Group Name, 3-16
I/O Group Update Rate (secs), 3-16
Server Name, 3-16
operations, 3-22
increasing engine throughput using
deadband, 3-24
logging data or events, 3-25
setting deadband, 3-24
Tag Operations dialog box,3-22
operations configuration attributes
(table), 3-23
Initial Value,3-24
Log Data, 3-23
Log Data Deadband, 3-23
Log Resolution, 3-23
Log/Print Events, 3-23
Set Initial Value,3-24
Update Deadband, 3-23
analog tags, 3-27
bit array tags, 3-29
discrete tags, 3-25
string tags (note), 3-26
scaling configuration attributes
(table), 3-25
Coerce, 3-26
Eng Full Scale, 3-25
Eng Zero Scale, 3-26
Raw Full Scale, 3-25
Raw Zero Scale, 3-25
Scaling, 3-26
Scaling Invert Mask,3-26
Scaling Select Mask, 3-26
Units, 3-26
setting initial tag value at startup, 3-25
Tag Configuration Editor,3-3
See also tag configuration.
adding network tags, 3-7
creating tags, 3-5
deleting tags, 3-5
editing tags, 3-5