Chapter 9 Creating VIs
BridgeVIEW User Manual 9-20 © National Instruments Corporation
Block Diagram
5. Go to the block diagram by selecting Windows»Show Diagram.
6. Pop up in a free area of the block diagram and choose
Functions»Select a VI…. A dialog box appears. Select
Temp & in the BridgeVIEW\Activity directory. Click on
Open in the dialog box. BridgeVIEW places the Temp& Vol VI on the
block diagram.
7. Add the other objects to the block diagram as shown in the following
Numeric Constant (Functions»Numeric)—Add a numeric constant
to the block diagram. Assign the value 3.785 to the constant by using
the Labeling tool. This is the conversion factor for switching from
liters to gallons.
Select Function (Function»Comparison)—Returns the value wired
to the TRUE or FALSE input, depending on the Boolean input.
Divide function (Functions»Numeric)—Divides the value in liters by
3.785 to convert it to gallons.
8. Wire the diagram objects as shown.
9. Return to the front panel and click on the Run button in the toolbar.
The meter shows the value in liters.
10. Click on the switch to select Gallons and click on the Run button.
The meter shows the value in gallons.
11. Save the VI as Using Temp & in the BridgeVIEW\
Activity directory.
End of Activity 9-4.