© National Instruments Corporation I-5 BridgeVIEW User Manual
charts, 11-2
See also graphs.
creating multiplot chart and customizing
trends (activity), 11-17
faster updates, 11-3
modes, 11-2
purpose and use, 1-4, 11-2
stacked versus overlaid plots,11-3
waveform chart
For Loop (activity),11-22
placing on subVI, 10-6
using with While Loop
(activity), 11-4
Check Operator Privileges VI, A-47
Citadel Historical Database
data transform commands (table), B-5
ODBC driver,B-1
overview, 6-1
Citadel threaded database
retrieving data, B-6
Cluster to Array function, 15-6
purpose and use, 1-5, 14-17
coercion dot, 11-22
Color Box Constant, 13-4
Color Copy tool, 2-4
Color tool, 2-4
Compound Arithmetic function, 11-14
tag attributes, 1-6
connection attributes, 3-2
adding to VIs, 9-2
array constants, 14-2
tag, 4-17
Continuous Run button, 2-2
Control Editor, 4-12
controlling panel visibility, 7-7
controls and indicators, 2-6
adding to VIs, 9-2
Boolean, 2-7
HMI G Wizard operations (table), 4-4
numeric, 2-6
string, 2-7
tag, 2-8
Controls palette, 2-5, 4-3
cursors, graph, 14-19
customer communication, xxiii
data flow,in G, 2-1
data logging
See historical data logging and extraction.
DDE server
connecting tag to, 3-21
using with BridgeVIEW,8-9
alarm deadband on analog tags, 3-36
debugging VIs, 9-21
increasing engine throughput, 3-24
logging (table), 3-23
purpose and use, 3-24
setting update too high (note), 3-24
updating (table), 3-23
Decimate Historical Trend VI, A-20
Decimate Historical Trends VI, A-21
deleting tags, 3-5
device servers. See servers.
digital indicator
adding to array,14-4
For Loop (activity), 11-22
Disable Indexing command, 14-13