Chapter 14 Arrays, Clusters, and Graphs
BridgeVIEW User Manual 14-4 © National Instruments Corporation
3. Place a digital indicator from Controls»Numeric inside the
element display of the array shell, as the following illustration shows.
This indicator displays the array contents.
4. Place a waveform graph from Controls»Graph in the front panel.
Label the graph Waveform Graph.
5. Enlarge the graph by dragging a corner with the Resizing cursor.
6. Hide the legend and palette.
7. Disable autoscaling by popping up on the graph and deselecting
Y Scale»Autoscale Y.
8. Use the Text tool to rescale the Y axis to range from –0.5 to 1.5.
Block Diagram
9. Build the block diagram shown in the following illustration.
Generate Waveform VI (Functions»Select a VI… from the
BridgeVIEW\Activity directory)—Returns one point of a
waveform. The VI requires a scalar index input, so wire the loop
iteration terminal to this input.
Notice that the wire from the Generate Waveform VI becomes thicker
as it changes to an array at the loop border.
The For Loop automatically accumulates the arrays at its boundary.
This is called auto-indexing. In this case, the numeric constant wired
to the loop count numeric input has the For Loop create a 100-element
array (indexed 0 to 99).
1D Array